Showing 1–20 of 517 resultsSorted by price: low to high Filters Sort by Price: Sort by Default Sort by Popularity Sort by Rated Sort by Latest Sort by Price: Sort by Price: Browse By CategoriesLaboratory Plasticwares Laboratory Equipments Laboratory Chemicals Laboratory Services Laboratory Cosumables Abdos MP Biomedicals Molychem Takara Glassco Microexpress CloudClone Corning By Price ₹0.00 - ₹5.00 ₹5.00 - ₹10.00 ₹15.00 - ₹20.00 ₹20.00 - ₹40.00 ₹40.00 - ₹60.00 ₹60.00 + By CategoryA Abdos Bottles & Carboys Cell Culture Techniques Centrifuge Techniques Cryo Techniques Electrophoresis Equipments General Laboratory Products Liquid Handling Micro Biology Multi Purpose Racks & Boxes PCR Techniques Utilities B Body Care C Category Cold & Flu D Dosimetry Badge Boards Badges Leak Analysis Kit Rings Track-Etch E Elisa F G Glassco ANALYTICAL LABORATORY BENCHTOP INSTRUMENTS Digital Overhead Stirrer Heating Mantle Hotplate with Magnetic Stirrer Magnetic Strirrer Mini Centrifuge Multi Position Stirrer Roller Mixer Shakers LAB ESSENTIALS Box Slide Cones Gloves Neutral watch glass Parafilm M Dispenser Stirrer Water Softner Weighing Scoops LABORATORY GLASSWARE Adapter Automatic Burette Beaker Burette Columns Condensers Conical Flask Crucibles Cylinders Dessicators Dissolution Vessel Distillation Extraction Apparatus Filtration Assembly Funnels Joints Pasteur Pipette Petri Dishes Pipettes Reagent Bottles Stopcocks Stoppers Test Tubes Tube centrifuge Utility Sets Vials Volumetric Flask LIQUID HANDLING Bottle Top Dispenser Micropipettes Pipette Stand Reloading Tray Universal Graduated Tips METALWARE Boss Head Burette Clamp Burner Foreceps Retort Clamp Retort Ring Retort Stand Spatula PLASTICWARE Beaker Plastic BOX Flasks Plastic Hose Connection plastic bottle Plastic Centrifuge Tube Plastic Cryo Vial plastic cylinder Plastic Funnel Rack Screw Thread RUBBERWARE Rubber Adapter Rubber Cork Rubber Sheets Rubber Teats Rubber Tube Safety Burner Rubber Tubing Straight WATER DISTILLATION Cabinet Still Double Stage Single Stage H Health & House Hold Healthy Products House Hold & Protection I J JuniperLifeSciences K L Laboratory Chemicals Laboratory Cosumables Laboratory Equipments Laboratory Plasticwares Laboratory Services M Medicines & Treatments Microexpress Molychem MP Biologicals APPLICATIONS Immunoassays for Animal Research Diagnostics Adrenal Aldosterone Pregnelonone Autoimmune Gliadin IgE Rheumatoid Factor Thyroglobulin TPO Biogenic Amines 5-HIAA Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Melatonin Metanephrine Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) Normetanephrine Serotonin Cardiac Markers hsCRP Myoglobin Troponin I Endocrinology Corticosterone Radioimmunoassay (RIA) T3 & T4 (Total Free) Thyroid Testing Infectious Disease Antigens COVID-19 COVID-19 Reagents Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Dengue H.pylori Hepatitis Hepatitis E for Animals Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) HIV HTLV Instrumentation Malaria Other Infectious Diseases Treponema pallidum Tuberculosis Metabolism Anemia-testing B12-folate C-Peptide Conjugated Bile Acids Ferritin Gastrin Glucagon Insulin Newborn Screening 17a-OH-Progesterone Galactose Phenylalanine T4 Trypsin TSH Reproduction 17a-OH-Progesterone Androstenedione DHEA-DHEA-S Estrogens Fertility Testing Ovulation Test FSH HCG Luteinizing Hormone Progesterone Prolactin Testosterone Stress ACTH Corticosterone Cortisol Growth Hormone Thyroid Control Set for Steriod and Thyroid Hormones T3 T4 Thyroid Testing TSH Tumor Markers AFP CA 125 CA 15-3 CA 19-9 CEA PSA Life Sciences Animal Diets and Feeds Diet Components Colitis Inducers Standard Diet Mixtures Mineral Mixtures Vitamin Mixtures Standard Diets Antibodies Antisera Immunoassay Reagents Primary Antibodies Coombs Test Secondary Antibodies Biochemicals Amino Acids Modified Amino Acids Natural Amino Acids Antibiotics Antineoplastic Carbohydrates Disaccharides Monosaccharides Polysaccharides Detergents Enzyme Inhibitors Lipids Fatty Acids Glycerides Oils & Fats Phospholipids Steroids Nucleosides Nitrogenous Bases Synthetic Peptides Nucleotides & Peptides Nitrogenous Bases Synthetic Peptides Proteins and Derivatives Antigens Enzymes Natural & Recombinant Proteins New Zealand Sourced Proteins Tissue and Blood Products Stains & Dyes Cell Staining Dyes Immunostaining Nucleic Acid Dyes Protein Dyes Tracking Dyes Ultra Pure Buffer Reagents Cell Biology Antibiotics for Cell Culture Plant Cell Culture Cell Analysis Cell Culture Supplements Cell Separation Media Contamination Management Mycoplasma Detection & Removal Culture Media Bacterial Culture Media Filamentous Phages Cryopreservation Mammalian Cell Culture Media Plant Growth Media Gelling Agents Plant Growth Containers Plant Growth Regulators Preparation of Protoplasts Yeast Media Serum Chemicals Acids & Bases Adsorbents Inorganics Organics Solvents Electrophoresis Acrylamide Agarose Agarose Gel Boxes and Trays Combs Cross-Linking Reagents Electrophoresis Buffers Gel Stains General Lab Equipment and Reagents Centrifugation Labware Cleaning Products Lipid Quality Testing Consumables Instruments Kits Labware Platforms Reagents Liquid Handling Pipette Tips Pipettes Tubes Microplate Systems Scintillation Cocktails Transluminators and UV Lights Molecular Biology Blotting and Hybridization Autoradiography Blotter Blotter Parts Blotting and Hybridization Buffers Membranes Cloning & Transformation Antibiotics & Selection Reagents Bacteria Transformation Plating Tools Yeast Transformation PCR & qPCR dNTPs and Primers End-Point PCR High-Fidelity PCR Hot Start PCR Multiplex PCR PCR Buffers PCR Enhancers PCR Tubes Real-Time PCR Dye-Based PCR Probe-Based PCR Reverse Transcription & cDNA Synthesis Sample Preparation Automated Nucleic Acid Purification DNA & RNA Isolation and Purification Ancient DNA Cell Lysis Solutions DNA Clean-up Fecal Samples Genomic DNA Isolation Plasmid DNA Purification Reagents for DNA and RNA Isolation RNA Clean-up RNA Isolation from Plants Soil Samples Total RNA Isolation FastPrep Bead Beating Systems Adapters for Bead Beating Instruments Bead Beaters Spare Parts & Services FastPrep Lysing Matrices Bead Beating Tubes and Caps Environmental Samples Lysing Matrix A Lysing Matrix B Lysing Matrix C Lysing Matrix D Lysing Matrix E Lysing Matrix F Lysing Matrix J Lysing Matrix M Lysing Matrix S Lysing Matrix SS Lysing Matrix Y Lysing Matrix Z Metal Lysing Matrix Tubes Protein Extraction and Purification N No O P Protection Virus R S T Tag Takara Antibodies and ELISA Antibody and ELISA accessories IgG M300 streptavidin magnetic microparticles Peptide Coating Kit for ELISA plates Wash and Stop Solution for ELISA Fluorescent protein antibodies Cyan fluorescent protein antibodies Far red fluorescent protein antibodies Green fluorescent protein antibodies Orange fluorescent protein antibodies Red fluorescent protein antibodies Yellow fluorescent protein antibodies Secondary antibodies Secondary antibody alternative Unconjugated IgG and IgY Automation systems and reagents and software plates SmartChip Probe qPCR Master Mix SmartChip Real-Time PCR System SmartChip Real-Time PCR System chips SmartChip TB Green Gene Expression Master Mix Apollo system Apollo consumables Apollo NGS library prep system Apollo reagents Automated NGS library prep workflows PrepX reagent kits for Illumina sequencing chips and software plates SmartChip Probe qPCR Master Mix SmartChip Real-Time PCR System SmartChip TB Green Gene Expression Master Mix ICELL8 system and software ICELL8 applications Human TCR profiling and 5' DE Single-cell ATAC-seq Single-cell differential expression analysis Single-cell full-length transcriptome analysis ICELL8 chips and consumables ICELL8 cx applications Human TCR profiling and 5' DE Single-cell differential expression analysis Single-cell full-length transcriptome analysis ICELL8 cx chips and consumables ICELL8 cx Single-Cell System SmartChip Real-Time PCR System and software plates SmartChip Probe qPCR Master Mix SmartChip Real-Time PCR System SmartChip Real-Time PCR System chips SmartChip TB Green Gene Expression Master Mix cDNA synthesis cDNA synthesis accessories DNA Fragmentation Kit ExpressHyb Hybridization Solution Lyophilized master mix Nucleic acid purification and fractionation Oligo modification RNA polymerases and rNTPs Ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates SP6 RNA Polymerase T7 RNA Polymerase RNase inhibitors GPR Recombinant ribonuclease inhibitor RNase-Free Water cDNA synthesis kits Purified cDNA & genomic DNA Tissue-specific cDNA Purified total RNA and mRNA Poly A+ RNA Total RNA RACE kits 3'-Full RACE Core Set 5'-Full RACE Core Set SMARTer 5' RACE and 3' RACE Reverse transcriptases AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL GPR MMLV RT PrimeScript PrimeScript II SMART MMLV RT SMARTScribe Cell biology assays Apoptosis detection kits Annexin V apoptosis assay ApoAlert caspase assays ApoAlert DNA Fragmentation Assay Kit ApoPrimer set Apoptosis analysis In situ apoptosis detection PARP antibody Cell biology reagents Heme oxygenase-1 LDH cytotoxicity WST-1 cell proliferation Cell-culture accessories Antibiotic selection markers & plasmids Antibiotics for cell biology & Hygromycin B Anhydrotetracycline G418 Puromycin Magnetic separator for cell culture Epigenetics Detecting DNA and chromatin modifications Cytosine methylation modification enzyme Methylation-dependent restriction enzyme DNA methylation EpiScope control DNA EpiScope MSP Kit EpiScope Nucleosome Preparation Kit EpiTaq HS EpiXplore Methylated DNA Enrichment Kit Exosome isolation (cell culture) Extracellular vesicle isolation Reporter systems Beta galactosidase and LacZ vectors Fluorescent protein promoter reporters Promoterless (lowest background) Promoterless (traditional) Fucci cell-cycle vectors Lenti-X Actin Dynamics Monitoring Kit ProLabel kits Proteasome monitoring Secreted alkaline phosphatase assays Secreted luciferase assay RNA interference miRNA MicroRNA quantitation siRNA siRNA quantitation Signal transduction Dominant negative vectors Pathway profiling vectors Cloning Agarose gel electrophoresis Agarose gel powders Agarose H14 Agarose L03 PrimeGel agarose DNA and RNA markers DNA molecular weight markers ssRNA molecular weight marker Electrophoresis instruments Mupid accessories Mupid One system Mupid-2plus system Mupid-exU system and cloning vectors Cloning vectors Chloramphenicol-resistant pUC vectors DNA cloning vectors E. coli-yeast shuttle vectors Kanamycin resistant pUC vectors Lambda DNA M13mp18 RF phage vector M13mp18 virion DNA pBR322 DNA vector PhiX174 RF I DNA Plant transformation vectors Plant transformation vectors pRI 101 DNA vectors pRI 909/910 DNA pPTR shuttle vectors pUC118/119 vectors pUC18 and pUC19 vectors T-Vectors pMD20 and pMD19 Thermus thermophilus HB8 genomic DNA Linkers and primers M13 primers Phosphorylated linker Random primers Competent cells Agrobacterium electrocompetent cells BMH 71-18 mutS E. coli competent cells E. coli chemically competent cells E. coli electrocompetent cells Stellar chemically competent cells Stellar Electrocompetent Cells In-Fusion Cloning Cloning Enhancer In-Fusion Cloning for high-throughput workflows In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus value bundles In-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning value bundles In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry master mixes and bundles In-Fusion Snap Assembly master mixes Ligation enzymes E. coli DNA Ligase T4 DNA Ligase T4 RNA Ligase Ligation kits Cassettes and cassette primers Deletion Kit for Kilo-Sequencing DNA Blunting Kit DNA ligation kit DNA ligation kits LA PCR in vitro Cloning Kit long fragments Mighty Cloning Reagent Set (Blunt End) Mighty Mix Mighty TA-Cloning Kit quick Linkers Cloning vectors Chloramphenicol-resistant pUC vectors DNA cloning vectors E. coli-yeast shuttle vectors Kanamycin resistant pUC vectors Lambda DNA M13mp18 RF phage vector M13mp18 virion DNA pBR322 DNA vector PhiX174 RF I DNA Plant transformation vectors Plant transformation vectors pRI 101 DNA vectors pRI 909/910 DNA pPTR shuttle vectors pUC118/119 vectors pUC18 and pUC19 vectors T-Vectors pMD20 and pMD19 Thermus thermophilus HB8 genomic DNA Linkers and primers M13 primers Phosphorylated linker Random primers Modifying enzymes DNA polymerases DNA Polymerase I DNA Polymerase I (Pol I) Klenow Fragment Poly(A) Polymerase T4 DNA Polymerase Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Nucleases BAL 31 Nuclease Cryonase Cold-Active Nuclease Exonuclease I Exonuclease III Micrococcal Nuclease Mung Bean Nuclease Recombinant DNase I (RNase-free) Ribonuclease H (RNase H) S1 Nuclease Yatalase Phosphatases and kinases Alkaline phosphatase (calf intestinal) Alkaline phosphatase (E. coli) Alkaline phosphatase (shrimp) Mutagenesis kits Random mutagenesis kit Site-directed mutagenesis Nucleic acid extraction BioMasher microhomogenizer Extraction reagents DEXPAT reagents DNA extraction from yeast Fruit-mate for RNA Purification High-Salt Solution for Precipitation (Plant) MightyPrep reagent for DNA extraction Plant DNA Isolation Reagent RNA extraction from yeast Magnosphere UltraPure mRNA Proteinase K RNA-DNA stabilization reagent primers Cloning vectors Chloramphenicol-resistant pUC vectors DNA cloning vectors E. coli-yeast shuttle vectors Kanamycin resistant pUC vectors Lambda DNA M13mp18 RF phage vector M13mp18 virion DNA pBR322 DNA vector PhiX174 RF I DNA Plant transformation vectors Plant transformation vectors pRI 101 DNA vectors pRI 909/910 DNA pPTR shuttle vectors pUC118/119 vectors pUC18 and pUC19 vectors T-Vectors pMD20 and pMD19 Thermus thermophilus HB8 genomic DNA Linkers and primers M13 primers Phosphorylated linker Random primers Restriction enzymes X-Gal and IPTG IPTG (dioxane free) X-Gal COVID-19 research CRISPR screening Human ACE2 stable cell line Immune profiling SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus B.1.351 D614G Wuhan-Hu-1 Vaccine development Viral and host sequencing Viral detection with qPCR Direct SARS-CoV-2 detection from saliva Direct viral detection via qPCR High-throughput viral detection via qPCR Viral detection via qPCR Gene function Fluorescent proteins Flow cytometer calibration beads Fluorescent protein plasmids Cyan and green fluorescent proteins AmCyan1 fluorescent protein GFP & GFPuv fluorescent proteins ZsGreen1 fluorescent protein Far-red fluorescent proteins E2-Crimson fluorescent protein HcRed1 fluorescent protein mPlum fluorescent protein mRaspberry fluorescent protein Orange and yellow fluorescent proteins mBanana fluorescent protein mOrange2 fluorescent protein ZsYellow1 fluorescent protein Photoactivatable and photoswitchable proteins Dendra2 fluorescent protein PAmCherry fluorescent protein Timer fluorescent protein Red fluorescent proteins AsRed2 fluorescent protein DsRed-Express and DsRed-Express2 fluorescent proteins DsRed-Monomer fluorescent protein DsRed2 fluorescent protein mStrawberry fluorescent protein tdTomato fluorescent protein Recombinant fluorescent proteins Subcellular labeling plasmids Gene editing Cre recombinase AAV2-Cre recombinase Cre Recombinase Gesicles Cre recombinase RLPs CRISPR-Cas9 AAV systems Cas9 antibodies Cas9-sgRNA gesicle production Genome-wide sgRNA library system Genotype confirmation kit GMP recombinant Cas9 In vitro transcription and screening kits Indel identification kit Knockin screening kit Lentiviral systems Long ssDNA for knockins Mutation detection kits Plasmid systems Recombinant Cas9 protein RNA transfection SNP screening iDimerize inducible protein interaction systems Dimerization domain antibodies Dimerizer ligands Heterodimerization systems Homodimerization systems In vivo applications Regulated transcription Reverse dimerization Mammalian expression plasmids Bicistronic IRES vectors Bidirectional promoter vectors MicroRNA expression Plasmids with selectable markers ProteoTuner protein control systems Plasmid systems ProteoTuner antibody Shield1 ligand Viral systems T-cell transduction and culture Anti-CD3 antibody (OKT3) CultiLife culture bags Cytokine GoStix Plus assays LymphoONE T-cell medium RetroNectin ELISA kit RetroNectin reagent Tet-inducible expression systems Tet systems legacy products Tet-Off cell lines Tet-On and Tet-Off?1st generation Tet-On and Tet-Off?2nd generation Tet-On and Tet-Off1st generation Tet-On and Tet-Off2nd generation Tet-tTS transcriptional silencer Tet-approved FBS Tet-inducible miRNA systems Tet-On 3G systems Adeno-X Tet-On 3G inducible expression system Tet-On 3G cell lines Tet-On 3G systems Tet-On 3G systems?bicistronic Tet-On 3G systems?bidirectional Tet-On 3G systems?EF1-alpha promoter Tet-On 3G systemsbicistronic Tet-On 3G systemsbidirectional Tet-On 3G systemsEF1-alpha promoter Tet-On 3G?lentiviral Tet-On 3G?retroviral Tet-On 3Glentiviral Tet-On 3Gretroviral Tet-One systems TetR monoclonal antibody Transfection reagents Plasmid transfection reagents Calcium phosphate transfection Fluorescent transfection controls Xfect for mES cells Xfect reagent Xfect single shots Protein transfection reagents RNA transfection reagents Viral transduction Adeno-associated virus (AAV) AAV concentration Packaging systems and cells 293T cell line Extraction solution Packaging plasmid sets Purification kits qPCR titration Vector systems Beta-galactosidase system Cre recombinase system CRISPR/Cas9 system Helper-free expression system (CMV promoter) Tet-inducible promoter ZsGreen1 control vector Adenovirus CAR Receptor Booster Purification kits Titration kits Vectors and packaging Adeno-X 293 cells Dual expression kit Expression system 3 Tet inducible Lentivirus Integration site analysis Lentivirus concentration Packaging systems and cells Lenti-X 293T cells Lenti-X packaging single shots Purification kits Titration kits Integrated copy number Lenti-X GoStix Plus p24 ELISA qRT-PCR Transduction enhancers Ecotropic Receptor Booster Lenti-X Accelerator Vector systems Constitutive promoter EF-1 alpha promoter IRES bicistronic Tet-inducible Retrovirus Integration site analysis Packaging systems and cells Receptor booster Retro-X Concentrator Titration kits Vector systems Constitutive promoter Fluorescent protein MSCV system Tet inducible Next-generation sequencing DNA-seq DNA index kits DNA-seq for FFPE and cell-free DNA Legacy DNA-seq kits Low-input library prep for Illumina PicoPLEX Gold for single cells Epigenetics and small RNA sequencing ChIP-seq library construction Meth-seq kit Small RNA-seq kit Immune profiling Human repertoire Human BCR profiling kit for Illumina sequencing Human scTCR profiling kit for Illumina sequencing Human TCR profiling kit for Illumina sequencing Human TCRv2 profiling kit for Illumina sequencing Mouse repertoire Mouse BCR profiling kit for Illumina sequencing Mouse TCR profiling kit for Illumina sequencing NGS accessories Library Quantification Kit Magnetic separator Ribosomal RNA removal SeqAmp DNA Polymerase Single-cell lysis buffer RNA-seq cDNA synthesis for Illumina or Ion Torrent Kits for automation SMART-Seq HT for streamlined mRNA-seq SMART-Seq v4 for mRNA-seq with the Fluidigm C1 Single-cell RNA-seq SMART-Seq Single Cell for scRNA-seq SMART-Seq Stranded for total RNA-seq SMARTer RNA Unique Dual Index Kits Stranded RNA-seq for mammalian samples High-input strand-specific total RNA-seq for mammalian samples Low-input strand-specific total RNA-seq for mammalian samples Pico-input strand-specific total RNA-seq for mammalian samples Stranded RNA-seq for nonmammalian samples Targeted RNA-seq for Illumina Ultra-low input RNA-seq SMART-Seq v4 3 DE for mRNA-seq end counting SMART-Seq v4 3? DE for mRNA-seq end counting SMART-Seq v4 for mRNA-seq Whole genome amplification Whole-genome amplification Nucleic acid purification Accessories and components Buffers & enzyme Buffers & enzymes DNA cleanup Enzymes and protein quantification Genomic DNA isolation NucleoBond EF NucleoBond Plasmid NucleoSpin Plasmid NucleoSpin RNA/DNA Buffer Set RNA isolation HTP accessories NucleoMag Sep NucleoVac 24 Vacuum Manifold NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Manifold Vacuum and robot accessories HTP consumables 8-well strips 96-well plates Flash filter plates KingFisher platforms Magnetic beads Plasmid binding and filter plates Plates and blocks NucleoSnap Finisher Midi/Maxi NucleoSpin Finisher Midi Sample homogenization beads Single-prep accessories & consumables NucleoBond NucleoSpin DNA cleanup kits bondEX ethidium bromide detoxification NucleoFast 96 PCR cleanup NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select NucleoMag PCR NucleoSEQ NucleoSpin 8 PCR Clean-Up NucleoSpin 96 PCR Clean-Up NucleoSpin gDNA Clean-up NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up NucleoSpin Inhibitor Removal NucleoTrap NucleoTraPCR Genomic DNA purification kits Blood and plasma NucleoBond CB NucleoMag Blood NucleoMag cfDNA NucleoSnap cfDNA NucleoSpin 96 cfDNA NucleoSpin Blood NucleoSpin cfDNA Midi NucleoSpin cfDNA XS FFPE NucleoMag DNA FFPE NucleoSpin 96 DNA FFPE NucleoSpin DNA FFPE XS Food NucleoMag DNA Food NucleoSpin 8/96 Food NucleoSpin Food Forensic NucleoMag DNA Forensic NucleoMag Trace NucleoSpin 8/96 Trace NucleoSpin DNA Forensic NucleoSpin DNA Trace NucleoSpin Forensic Filters Hard-to-lyse samples NucleoMag DNA Bacteria NucleoMag DNA Microbiome NucleoMag DNA/RNA Water NucleoSpin 8/96 Soil NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool NucleoSpin DNA Insect NucleoSpin DNA Lipid Tissue NucleoSpin DNA Stool NucleoSpin DNA Yeast NucleoSpin eDNA Water NucleoSpin Microbial DNA NucleoSpin Soil Microbiome Other organisms and samples Plant Plant DNA NucleoMag 384 Plant NucleoMag Plant NucleoSpin 8/96 Plant II NucleoSpin Plant II Tissue NucleoBond AXG NucleoBond HMW DNA NucleoMag DNA Swab NucleoMag Tissue NucleoSpin 8/96 Tissue NucleoSpin 96 DNA RapidLyse NucleoSpin DNA RapidLyse NucleoSpin Tissue Plasmid purification kits BAC NucleoBond BAC 100 NucleoBond Xtra BAC NucleoSpin 96 Flash Endotoxin-free preps NucleoBond PC 10000 EF NucleoBond PC 2000 EF NucleoBond PC 500 EF NucleoBond PC Prep100 NucleoBond Xtra Maxi EF NucleoBond Xtra Midi EF High-throughput preps NucleoBond 96 Xtra EF NucleoSpin 8 Plasmid NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid Transfection-grade Maxiprep Nucleobond PC 500 NucleoBond Xtra Megaprep and gigaprep NucleoBond PC 10000 NucleoBond PC 2000 Midiprep NucleoBond PC 100 NucleoBond Xtra NucleoSnap Plasmid Midi Miniprep NucleoBond PC 20 NucleoSpin Plasmid NucleoSpin Plasmid EasyPure NucleoSpin Plasmid Transfection-grade RNA cleanup kits NucleoSpin RNA Clean-up RNA purification kits Blood RNA NucleoSpin 8/96 RNA Blood NucleoSpin RNA Blood MicroRNA NucleoSpin miRNA NucleoSpin miRNA Plasma NucleoBond RNA Soil NucleoSpin RNA Stool NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE Parallel RNA/DNA/protein NucleoBond RNA/DNA NucleoSpin RNA/Protein NucleoSpin TriPrep Plant and fungal RNA NucleoSpin RNA Plant NucleoSpin RNA Plant and Fungi Total RNA from cells and tissues NucleoMag RNA NucleoProtect RNA NucleoSpin 8 RNA NucleoSpin 96 RNA NucleoSpin RNA NucleoSpin RNA Midi NucleoSpin RNA Plus NucleoSpin RNA Plus XS NucleoSpin RNA XS NucleoZOL Viral DNA and RNA purification kits NucleoMag Pathogen NucleoMag VET NucleoMag Virus NucleoSpin RNA Virus NucleoSpin Virus PCR Application-specific PCR Bacterial pathogen detection PCR primer sets PCR screening kit Positive-control templates rDNA PCR kits Food pathogen detection Campylobacter detection and typing EHEC (O antigen) typing EHEC (VT gene) screening O-157 (VT gene) typing PCR premix for O-157 (VT gene) screening PCR premix for O-157 (VT gene) typing Human pathogen detection Beta-globin control primer set Papillomavirus detection Papillomavirus typing Mycoplasma detection set Custom business friendly and automation-ready solutions PrimeSTAR GXL SP Polymerase Titanium Taq SP products Direct PCR Terra PCR Direct mixes and kits Fast PCR SpeedSTAR HS DNA Polymerase Z-Taq DNA polymerase GC rich PCR Advantage GC 2 polymerase Advantage GC Genomic LA Polymerase Mix LA Taq DNA polymerase with GC buffers PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase PrimeSTAR HS with GC buffer High-fidelity PCR Advantage HD DNA polymerase PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase High-yield PCR Advantage 2 products Advantage 2 PCR Kit Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix Advantage HF 2 PCR kit Ex Taq products Ex Taq polymerase Ex Taq polymerase hot start Multiplex PCR Titanium Taq products Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase Titanium Taq kit for SNP arrays Titanium Taq PCR kit Long-range PCR LA Taq products LA Taq DNA polymerase LA Taq DNA polymerase HS LA Taq PCR kit LA Taq premix Long PCR controls Molecular diagnostic products PrimeSTAR GXL SP Titanium Taq SP Other PCR-related products DNA labeling kits BcaBEST for random-primer labeling Random primer labeling DNA-OFF and RNase-OFF dNTPs Advantage UltraPure dNTPs dNTPs PCR tubes and plates QuickClean enzyme removal Taq antibodies Taq Antibody TaqStart Antibody PCR master mixes Complex templates PrimeSTAR GXL Premix Diverse samples Ex Taq premix Dye-added EmeraldAmp GT PCR Master Mix EmeraldAmp MAX products EmeraldAmp MAX HS premix EmeraldAmp MAX premix SapphireAmp fast premix High fidelity CloneAmp HiFi PCR Premix Lyophilized Advantage 2 EcoDry premix Lyophilized HS Taq PCR Master Mix Titanium Taq EcoDry premix Multiplex SuperPlex Premix Routine Takara Taq HS PCR thermal cyclers End-point PCR Dice Touch Fast Real-time PCR Real-time PCR system Real-time PCR system II Real-time PCR system lite Standard PCR Takara Taq products Takara Taq and premix Takara Taq PCR kit Protein research Accessory enzymes Corystein (Purothionin) reagent HRV 3C Protease Westase Antibodies and immunoprecipitation & 6xHis tag antibodies c-Myc agarose beads GAL4 antibodies HA Magnetic Beads Immunoprecipitation Buffer Set Magnetic Myc IP Kit Myc Myc-tagged & HA-tagged vectors Expression vectors & systems B. subtilis expression system Baculovirus expression system Baculovirus expression system Baculovirus titration kits Insect cells Brevibacillus expression system Control vector for Brevibacillus expression E. coli expression systems HAT-tag expression system MazF single-protein production mRNA interferase-MazF enzyme pET expression system Human Cell-Free Protein Expression System Mammalian expression pCMV-DYKDDDDK Vector Set (FLAG tag) pCMV-Myc & pCMV-HA Vector Set pHEK293 Ultra Expression Vectors Protein folding kits Chaperone competent cells Chaperone plasmid set Chaperonin GroE pCold DNA cold shock pCold ProS2 DNA pCold TF DNA Refolding CA Kit Glycobiology Mass spectrometry reagents Capturem pepsin digestion Capturem trypsin digestion for mass spectrometry Protein sequencing N-terminal deblocking and analysis Pfu Aminopeptidase I Pfu Methionine Aminopeptidase Pfu N-acetyl Deblocking Aminopeptidase (Ac-DAP) Pfu Pyroglutamate Aminopeptidase Protein fragmentation Arginylendopeptidase Asparaginylendopeptidase Pfu Protease S Purification products Antibody purification Capturem IP & Co-IP Kit Capturem Protein A Capturem Protein G Thiophilic resin Capturem Streptavidin GST-tagged protein purification His-tagged protein purification Bulk resins and gravity columns Cobalt columns?bacterial culture Cobalt columns?gravity Cobalt columns?spin Cobalt columnsbacterial culture Cobalt columnsgravity Cobalt columnsspin Cobalt resin Cobalt resin?cell lysate Cobalt resincell lysate Nickel columns?gravity Nickel columnsgravity Nickel resin Capturem high-capacity membranes Magnetic beads Cobalt resin?magnetic Cobalt resinmagnetic Nickel resin?magnetic Nickel resinmagnetic Resin in FPLC cartridges Cobalt columns?FPLC Cobalt columnsFPLC Cobalt resin?FPLC Cobalt resinFPLC Nickel columns?FPLC Nickel columnsFPLC Phosphoprotein purification Phosphopeptide spin columns Phosphoprotein enrichment kit Phosphoprotein magnetic kit Protease inhibitors Calpastatin ProteoGuard xTractor cell lysis buffers SDS-PAGE & western blotting Buffers and powders EDTA Powder Phosphate buffered salts (PBS) SDS powder SSC powder Tris powder Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) powder Tris-Borate-EDTA powder Tris-buffered saline (TBS) powder Tris-EDTA Powder Tris-glycine powder Tris-glycine-SDS powder Protein molecular weight markers and broad-range CLEARLY Protein Ladder sets high- Low- Tissue-specific protein extracts Western blotting reagents Protein gel staining Western BLoT Blocking Buffer Western BLoT HRP detection Western BLoT Immuno Booster Western BLoT Rapid Detect v2.0 Western BLoT Stripping Buffer Two-hybrid and one-hybrid systems Mammalian two-hybrid system Yeast media Amino acid dropout mixes Aureobasidin A Minimal media pouches (ready-mixed) SD base X-alpha-Gal Yeast one-hybrid media Yeast two-hybrid media YPDA and YPD rich media Yeast one-hybrid system Yeast plasmid-isolation minipreps Yeast transformation kits Quick & Easy Yeast Transformation Mix Yeastmaker transformation system Yeast two-hybrid system Matchmaker Gold Yeast Two-Hybrid System Prey rescue by colony PCR Yeast strains Yeast two-hybrid libraries Mate & Plate libraries Normalized Mate & Plate Libraries Traditional Matchmaker libraries Yeast two-hybrid library construction Yeast two-hybrid vectors Real-time PCR Application-specific qPCR Environmental Bacillus anthracis detection Cryptosporidium detection Giardia detection Legionella detection Food Bacterial quantification in food Campylobacter detection Enterobacteriaceae detection Escherichia coli O-157:H7 detection 2.0 Escherichia coli O157:H7 and O26 detection Escherichia coli O157:H7 detection Listeria monocytogenes detection Norovirus detection Salmonella detection Staphylococcus aureus detection Vibrio (tdh gene) detection Human disease CycleavePCR Streptococcus agalactie (GBS) detection Mycoplasma detection Mycoplasma qPCR kit Real-time PCR kits CycleavePCR Core Kit and primer set Prelude One-Step PreAmp Master Mix Prelude PreAmp Master Mix qPCR with probe detection CellAmp Direct Probe RT-qPCR Kit One Step PrimeScript III RT-PCR Kit One-Step PrimeScript RT-PCR Kit (Perfect Real Time) Premix Ex Taq (Probe qPCR) Premix Ex Taq DNA Polymerase (Perfect Real Time) PrimeDirect Probe RT-qPCR Mix Probe qPCR Mix with UNG qPCR with TB Green detection CellAmp Direct TB Green RT-qPCR Kit dye-based RT-qPCR One-step TB Green Advantage qPCR premixes TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H Plus) TB Green Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNase H Plus) Terra qPCR Direct TB Green Premix Real-time PCR primer sets Biological pathways Disease pathways Transgenic mice References and standards for qPCR External standard RNA qPCR dilution solution Reference cDNA Reference RNA Reverse transcription prior to qPCR Convenient master mix for real-time PCR PrimeScript RT kit with gDNA eraser PrimeScript RT reagent kit RNA extraction and analysis for real-time qPCR CellAmp direct RNA prep kit for qPCR or protein analysis CellAmp direct RNA prep kit for real-time PCR CellAmp whole transcriptome amplification kit Stem cell research Accessories Hepatic cell differentiation Human mitochondrial DNA monitoring iPS efficiency check qPCR kit Mouse feeder cell quantification kit Pluripotency check PCR kit PrimerArray embryonic stem cell primers Human iPS cell gene editing systems Media and supplements Pluripotent stem cell media Cellartis 2i mES/iPSC Culture Medium Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Culture System Xeno-free 3D spheroid culture medium Xeno-free GMP-grade stem cell culture medium Xeno-free human MSC culture medium Xeno-free human stem cell culture medium Primary hepatocyte medium Stem cell differentiation media and kits Definitive endoderm differentiation kit Hepatocyte differentiation kit iPS cell to hepatocyte differentiation system NDiff 227 NDiff N2 Osteoblast-inducer reagent RHB-A Stem cell matrices iMatrix-511 Stem cells and stem cell-derived cells Human induced pluripotent stem cells Human multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cells Human neural stem cells Human stem cell-derived beta cells Human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes Human stem cell-derived definitive endoderm cells Human stem cell-derived hepatocytes Human stem cell-derived intestinal epithelial cells MiraCell cardiomyocytes MiraCell endothelial cells U V W X Y Clear All Filter Select optionsQuick View CloningIn-Fusion CloningTakaraIn-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning Plus for seamless DNA cloning in a lyophilized format Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningCompetent cellsTakaraStellar chemically competent cells for cloning Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningLigation kitsTakaraLA PCR in vitro Cloning Kit Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningMutagenesis kitsTakaraDiversify PCR Random Mutagenesis Kit for sequence mutations Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningLigation enzymesTakaraE. coli DNA Ligase Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningLigation enzymesTakaraT4 DNA Ligase Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningLigation enzymesTakaraT4 RNA Ligase Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAatII restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAccI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAccII (FnuDII) restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAccIII (BspMII) restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAfaI (RsaI) restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAflII restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAluI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAor13HI (BspMII, AccIII) restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraAor51HI (Eco47III) restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraApaI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraApaLI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraBalI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Select optionsQuick View CloningRestriction enzymesTakaraBamHI restriction enzyme Select optionsQuick View Load More Products 1 2 3 4 … 24 25 26