The FastRNA Pro Green Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from any type of plant and animal tissue or cultured cells. Using the FastPrep-24 or FastPrep® FP120 Instrument, between 50-500 mg of tissue can be homogenized by Lysing Matrix D in impact-resistant 2 mL tubes. Total RNA is released into the proprietary, protective RNApro Solution. Following extraction with chloroform and precipitation, total RNA is extracted.
Application Notes
FastRNA® Pro Green Kit is used to isolate total RNA from any type of plant and animal tissue or cultured cells. Extracted RNA is suitable for RT-PCR analysis and other downstream applications.
Usage Statement
Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use. For more information, please contact our customer service department.
Key Applications
Isolation of RNA from any type of Plant; Animal tissues & Cultured cells