Intrinsic Factor
Application Notes
Intrinsic Factor is used in the treatment not only of classical pernicious anaemia, but also in the treatment of other macrocytic anaemias, where it replaces teh Intrinsic Factor which may be lacking in the patient's own gastric juice. In this way Intrinsic Factor is recommended against anaemias that appear 6 to 12 months after serious gastric operations, and against anaemias that are secondary effects of the treatment with certain medicines, e.g. against epilepsy. However, the dietetic use in multi-vitamin preparations is of the greatest importance. In older people there has been observed a degeneration of the gastric mucous membrane, whose secretion of Intrinsic Factor is insufficient to ensure the resorption of the necessary quantity of B-12 from their diet. In order to delay this development it is useful to prescribe a small quantity of Intrinsic Factor with B-12 and other vitamins to these patients.
Usage Statement
Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use. For more information, please contact our customer service department.
Key Applications
Absorption of vitamin B12