RPMI 1640 w/o L-glutamine, 6 x 500 mL

Key Features and Details

RPMI 1640 medium is a general purpose medium based on the RPMI 1630 line of media which utilized a bicarbonate buffering system and alterations in the amounts of amino acids and vitamins. A Dutch Modification of RPMI 1640 is also available through MP. The Dutch Modification contains 6400 mg/L sodium chloride instead of 6000 mg/L; contains 1000 mg/L sodium bicarbonate instead of 2000 mg/L; and contains 20 mM HEPES.


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RPMI 1640 (1X Solution) without L-glutamine, pH 6.9 to 7.2. This medium was originally developed by Moore and his colleagues at Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI). It was based on the RPMI 1630 line of media which utilized a bicarbonate buffering system and alterations in the amounts of amino acids and vitamins. RPMI has successfully been used for the cultivation of normal human and neoplastic leukocytes. It is now a popular general purpose medium when properly supplemented. Usage Statement Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use. For more information, please contact our customer service department. Key Applications Mammalian Cell Culture
SKU: 091260254X6
Base Catalog Number: 1260254X6
Alternate Names: 1X Liquid
Format : Solution
Media Type : RPMI

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