Tissue-specific rat cDNA
A high-quality cDNA template is necessary to obtain good results from PCR amplification. QUICK-Clone cDNA is premade double-stranded cDNA from which you can amplify sequences of interest using gene-specific primers, and is ideal for amplifying previously isolated, structurally related, or cross-species cDNAs. Synthesized from premium, high-quality poly A+ RNA from various rat tissues using an oligo(dT) primer, QUICK-Clone cDNA is purified to remove residual RNA and size-selected to eliminate cDNA fragments smaller than 400 bp.  QUICK-Clone cDNA allows you to amplify cDNAs of interest while avoiding traditional library construction and screening steps, and can also be used to generate hybridization probes using gene-specific or degenerate primers (Parmentier et al. 1989; Wilks et al. 1989; Vallins et al. 1990; Lee et al. 1988; Schuchman, Jackson, and Desnick 1990).
A high-quality cDNA template is necessary to obtain good results from PCR amplification. QUICK-Clone cDNA is premade double-stranded cDNA from which you can amplify sequences of interest using gene-specific primers, and is ideal for amplifying previously isolated, structurally related, or cross-species cDNAs. Synthesized from premium, high-quality poly A+ RNA from various rat tissues using an oligo(dT) primer, QUICK-Clone cDNA is purified to remove residual RNA and size-selected to eliminate cDNA fragments smaller than 400 bp.  QUICK-Clone cDNA allows you to amplify cDNAs of interest while avoiding traditional library construction and screening steps, and can also be used to generate hybridization probes using gene-specific or degenerate primers (Parmentier et al. 1989; Wilks et al. 1989; Vallins et al. 1990; Lee et al. 1988; Schuchman, Jackson, and Desnick 1990).

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