Cells to cDNA: CellAmp whole transcriptome amplification kit for RT-PCR
The CellAmp Whole Transcriptome Amplification Kit (Real Time), Ver. 2 enables you to go from cells to cDNA that is ready for analysis by real-time PCR. When using conventional techniques for working with trace amounts of nucleic acids, loss of product during purification steps is a frequent problem. However, this cells-to-cDNA kit ensures good product yield because loss-inducing purification steps for RNA and cDNA are not required.
The CellAmp Whole Transcriptome Amplification Kit (Real Time), Ver. 2 enables you to go from cells to cDNA that is ready for analysis by real-time PCR. When using conventional techniques for working with trace amounts of nucleic acids, loss of product during purification steps is a frequent problem. However, this cells-to-cDNA kit ensures good product yield because loss-inducing purification steps for RNA and cDNA are not required.

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